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Boulder: Shortlisted for the 2023 International Booker Prize

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Whale follows bizarre occurrences in the lives of linked characters in a remote village in South Korea. The judges said it would “fill you with awe” and was a “book to be swallowed by and to live inside for a while”.

Boulder: Shortlisted for the International Booker Prize 2023

Cualquier acción que no sea su bloqueo, o la solicitud expresa del servicio vinculado a la cookie, implican el Boulder is less enthused but doesn’t know how to say no - and so finds herself dragged along on a journey that feels as thankless as it is alien. With motherhood changing Samsa into a stranger, Boulder must decide where her priorities lie, and whether her yearning for freedom will trump her yearning for love. God, I love Eva Baltasar’s writing. Boulder is another masterpiece from one of Europe’s most radical queer writers. I continue to be a Julia Sanches stan.’ Gary Perry, Foyles CXR The shortlist of six books will be announced at London Book Fair on 18 April, with the winner announced at a London ceremony on 23 May.Le texte interpelle par sa dureté et réalisme, mais sans aucun pathos, cru et féroce avec des moments d'une grande sensualité. An explosively witty, intense novel about freedom, desire and the body — Baltasar's voice is as bracing and sharp as cold mountain air, and her queer exploration of being and intimacy is intoxicating. Raw, fresh and uncompromising new writing.’ Imma Monsó This is a story which I've read before, many times; and it's simultaneously a story which I've never read before. A couple in love, bonded physically, come apart when one of them wants - needs - to have a baby, and the other partner goes along with it because she recognises Samsa's desire to be a mother. Cue fertility treatments, artificial insemination, pregnancy, childbirth, alienation and infidelity. La meva protagonista transita pels límits de la vida, se sent a gust en aquest estar sola, és feliç així”, ha assegurat la guanyadora, que defensa que el seu personatge “no és una dona esquerpa, potser ho soc jo, però més aviat és que viu per dins, no desitja gaire tracte amb els altres; passa que és també molt honesta i els honestos solen passar per esquerps”. En aquesta línia d'honestedat, Baltasar va reconèixer que la versió publicada era la tercera que escrivia de l'obra. “Em va costar trobar la veu de Boulder”, ha admès, fruit de la tensió que viu el personatge entre “l'amor, que sempre tira cap enfora, i la solitud, que arrossega cap endins”. Tampoc és aliè al complex perfil de la protagonista l'episodi de “la seva maternitat no desitjada, que la porta a entendre que alguna cosa s'ha transformat dins seu”. Eva Baltasar guanya el premi Gabriel Ferrater de poesia". ara.cat. March 9, 2016 . Retrieved February 3, 2019.

Reading guide: Boulder by Eva Baltasar, translated by Julia

We wanted to celebrate literary ambition, panache, originality and, of course, through this, the talent of translators who have been able to convey all of this with great skill,” she added. No tenía ni idea de la trama y creo que eso ha sido lo más importante, lo que ha hecho que me gustara tanto. Os hago un pequeño resumen. La protagonista es una mujer introvertida que no disfruta mucho de la compañía de los demás, un alma solitaria. Es cocinera y trabaja en un barco en la costa de Chile hasta que conoce a Samsa, se enamora y echa por la borda su estilo de vida. Construida con una estructura más unitaria, 'Boulder' mantiene una narradora ávida, sólo que ahora esta se encuentra en una relación estable y duradera. El tema que aborda, con el mismo lenguaje directo -ocasionalmente poético-, es la maternidad. Journalist Ramón debuts with a sobering chronicle of her family’s struggles in Venezuela as its economy fluctuated during the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Her Spanish father, a businessman who Continue reading » A magma of sensations, doubts and aspirations. A trove of treasures. The piquancy of this novel, a surprise word-of-mouth hit in Spain, comes from the gap between the fantasies projected onto the narrator by the women around her––who see in her a free and contented woman––and the suffocating feeling constricting her. ’A high school dropout reluctantly uses her clairvoyant power to find missing women and children in Argentinian writer Reyes’s lurid debut. The unnamed narrator develops a habit of eating dirt in the Continue reading »

Eva Baltasar | And Other Stories Eva Baltasar | And Other Stories

A través dela voz de Boulder, la única narradora de esta historia, conoceremos a ambas mujeres, su carácter y personalidad, lo que representa esa relación de pareja que se ve alterada por la maternidad. Cómo lo afronta cada una de ellas desde puntos de vista muy dispares. Es una voz que narra, sin juicios de valor, solo sentimientos. Somos nosotr@s l@s lectores l@s que pensamos, juzgamos o no y sacamos nuestras conclusiones. The novel is written entirely in the first person and is made up of short sections, yet also lengthy monologues. Did this point of view and style enhance your connection with or understanding of the protagonist?Permagel', d'Eva Baltasar: crònica d'un triomf editorial (Jordi Nopca)". llegim.ara.cat. June 27, 2018 . Retrieved February 3, 2019. Much of the novel is concerned with the relationship between Samsa and Boulder, and the changes that ensue when Samsa decides she would like a child. ‘She looks at me with those blue eyes that fade to gray in the warm apartment light, and I have the feeling she has everything, that she is one and whole, like a god. That, somehow, her desire for a child spoils her.’ With Boulder ambivalent towards children and parenting, Baltasar has written a subversion of motherhood – something we don’t often see depicted in literature or art. Does this feel like an accurate portrayal? If so, why do we not see more of this point of view?

Boulder - Libro de Eva Baltasar: reseña, resumen y opiniones Boulder - Libro de Eva Baltasar: reseña, resumen y opiniones

Polesso’s bittersweet collection (after Control) explores the highs and lows of life for a series of Brazilian lesbians. In “My Cousin’s in Town,” an unnamed narrator invites her co-workers Continue reading » Permafrost by Eva Baltasar is one of the revelatory books of this season . . . I had never read a book in Catalan about sex, seen from the perspective of a woman, such as Permafrost.’ Jordi Benavente The list is completed by Ninth Building by Zou Jingzhi, translated by Jeremy Tiang from Chinese. It is a collection of vignettes drawn from the author’s experience growing up during the Cultural Revolution.Catalan author and poet, Eva Baltasar follows her debut novel Permafrost with the second in a planned triptych, each tightly focused on an individual woman’s experiences. Themes around solitude and the overwhelming pull of physical desire are once again central. Everything’s told in the first person from an unnamed woman's perspective, she's exchanged her past in Spain for a remote Patagonian Island. Her existence is deliberately nomadic; rootlessness and a love of freedom are her defining features. She’s all about the journey, never the destination. She takes lovers but they're "as fleeting as shooting stars.” Eventually she lands the perfect job, cooking on a freighter, hopping from one isolated port to another. But then she meets Samsa, a Scandinavian geologist working ashore, and she’s instantly infatuated.

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